Our Mission

Our mission is to foster the intellectual and personal growth of students from all backgrounds who are applying for nationally competitive awards. By incorporating faculty, staff, and administrators into the recruitment, endorsement, and advising processes, ONSF engages the entire university community in promoting the campus fellowships culture and celebrating the excellence of UConn students.

Rhodes Scholar Wanjiku Gatheru

A Note About Bias

We recognize that implicit biases can shape evaluations in both individual and group settings. Research shows that the following may reduce the impact of such biases: recognizing that biases exist; having clear selection criteria and keeping such criteria at the forefront of all stages of the evaluation process; using evaluative rubrics; and encouraging ongoing conversations about program criteria in order to explore how existing criteria may impact decision making. We are committed to implementing these bias mitigation strategies across ONSF’s programs and processes, as we as engaging in ongoing assessment of access and inclusion, to ensure the competitions are open to all UConn students.