(For Fall 2024 Potential Applicants)
Each year, the University of Connecticut nominates, endorses, and/or advises students who are competing for postgraduate scholarships and fellowships in the United Kingdom, including the Rhodes, Marshall, Churchill, Gates, and Fulbright. Staff in the Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships administer this process and support/advise students as they craft their applications.

The Rhodes Scholarship funds 1-4 years of graduate study at the University of Oxford (UK) and is awarded to seniors and recent graduates with proven intellectual and academic achievement, integrity of character, interest in and respect for their fellow beings, the ability to lead, and the energy to use their talents to the full.
Please review all eligibility requirements and rules on the official Rhodes Scholarship website.
(Note that the deadline for the Rhodes varies depending on one’s nationality; international students should visit Check your eligibility and apply – Rhodes Trust (ox.ac.uk) to identify their deadline and to determine if their country requires institutional nomination.)
The Marshall Scholarship funds 1-3 (typically 2) years of graduate study at any university in the UK (including Oxford) and is awarded to seniors and recent graduates who demonstrate exceptional academic merit, leadership potential and ambassadorial potential.
Please review all eligibility requirements and rules on the official Marshall Scholarship website.
The Churchill Scholarship, which funds one year of graduate study at the University of Cambridge (UK) and is awarded to graduating seniors on the basis of academic and research achievement. The Churchill Foundation seeks to provide accomplished scientists, mathematicians, and engineers with the tools to maximize their future impact. UConn may nominate up to two students per year. Students who wish to be considered for this award must apply directly to the University of Cambridge by October 15.
Please review all eligibility requirements and rules on the official Churchill Scholarship website.
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship, which funds graduate study at the University of Cambridge (UK), does not require nomination. It is, however, equally competitive. Students who wish to be considered for this award must apply directly to the University of Cambridge by October 15.
Please review all eligibility requirements and rules on the official Gates Cambridge Scholarship website and visit ONSF or work with a faculty member for guidance through the process.
(For any of the scholarships listed above, students should make an appointment with Vin Moscardelli, Director of ONSF, to discuss their eligibility before applying for nomination.)
The US-UK Fulbright Commission administers more than 40 awards in a range of disciplines in partnership with universities across the United Kingdom, as well as a single Open Award for postgraduate study or independent research projects in any recognized UK university. To learn more about Fulbright opportunities in the UK and elsewhere, visit ONSF’s Fulbright U.S. Student Program page and then reach out to UConn’s Fulbright Program Advisor Dr. Michael Cunningham via Email or Nexus.
The British Council is a great resource for non-U.S. students who wish to learn more about scholarships that support postgraduate study in England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland.
Information Sessions:
ONSF will host virtual information sessions on these awards in April and early May, the first of which will take place at noon on Tuesday, April 30 (follow the link for more details, including the Webex link).
How to Apply – Fall 2024 Deadlines
To enter the Rhodes, Marshall, and/or Churchill Scholarship competitions at the national level, you must first be nominated by the University of Connecticut through a process managed by the Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships.
To be considered for nomination, you must complete the following:
- Complete the “Statement of Interest” form linked at the top of this page as soon as possible. ONSF staff will begin reviewing submitted forms in April. (After May 31, interested candidates should Email Vin Moscardelli to discuss their candidacies and get further instructions, access to the campus application, etc.)
- Submit complete internal applications by 4:00pm, Thursday, August 29, 2024. (Note that while most of these applications require 4-8 letters of recommendation, potential applicants only need to submit three letters by the time of this campus deadline.)
A faculty review panel will review the application materials and interview a subset of the strongest candidates. From this group, the committee selects the eventual nominees who will advance to the national competitions. The deadlines for all of these awards appear below:
- Rhodes Scholarship (non-U.S. applicants): Varies by country (some are as early as June)
- Rhodes Scholarship (U.S. and Canadian applicants): October 2, 2024 (campus deadline Aug. 29)
- Marshall Scholarship: September 19, 2024 (campus deadline Aug. 29)
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program: October 8 (campus deadline Sept. 9)
- Gates-Cambridge: Mid-October 2024 (n/a)
- Churchill Scholarship: November 1, 2024 (campus deadline Sept. 26)